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Jazz Chants: Jazz Chants by Carolyn Graham read book TXT


Jazz Chants are Carolyn Graham's snappy, upbeat chants and poems that use jazz rhythms to illustrate the natural stress and intonation patterns of conversational American English., Jazz Chants introduce and reinforce the language structures and functions of everyday spoken English. They provide a way of improving students' speaking and listening skills. The Student Book contains the words of each chant, a useful introduction, and clear teaching notes., Jazz Chants is a collection of chants and poems that set everyday, situational English to jazz rhythms to demonstrate the rhythm and intonation pattern of conversational American English. Each chant, recorded on cassette by the author and a choral speaking group, is accompanied in the text by structure notes, pronunciation notes, and presentation notes and is ideal for reinforcing specific language structures. The text and cassette are designed for class or individual use.

Jazz Chants: Jazz Chants DJV, DOC